Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force
Join Hands And Be A Hero
About Us
The Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation, registered as a charitable organization with the Washington Secretary of State. The mission of the Task Force is to ensure the future of salmon in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River and Island County watersheds, a combined land area of more than 2,400 square miles.
Since its beginning in 1990, the Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force has directed its resources and energy to the challenge of developing community partnerships and strategies to improve and restore the recreational and commercial fisheries of the Pacific Northwest.
Volunteering Opportunities
Join Us
The Task Force has many volunteer opportunities, for both groups and individuals. You can provide assistance on weekends as well as mid-week, working in the field, in the office, with school groups, community groups, and individuals.

Volunteering Opportunities
- Assist with weekend plantings.
- Baseline monitoring and quality control at plantings.
- Perform vegetation monitoring (spring/ summer).
- Assist with school groups mid-week.
- Assess future project sites.
- Water Quality Monitoring (as protocols are set).
- Find planting sites along streams and wetlands.
- Earth Day Assistant Coordinator.
- Grow native trees and shrubs for use in your yard.
- Assist in finding sites for Native Plant Salvage.
- Water and Weed Nursery Plants.
Be a Part Of
Our Mission
Our mission is to ensure the future of fish in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River watersheds, and Island County.
To achieve our mission, we pursue the following goals:
Restore and enhance fishing and fishing habitat.
Facilitate the cultural shift necessary to complete our mission through public education and other means.
Protect habitat through better regulation, acquisition, easements, and other means.
Increase the capacity for change by partnering with GLMC, other groups, and agencies.
To Know More
School and Group Opportunities
The Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force was one of just three non-profits that received state funding to support environmental education programs!
The Task Force’s education programs allow students of all ages to learn about ecology and experience environmental research. The programs are deeply aligned with state science standards and many are inquiry-based. Also, programs can be tailored to specific classroom needs.
All programs are free-of-charge, and funding for an affordable fly fishing combo under $300 can often be provided. All lessons are hands-on and minds-on.
There are classroom and field-based learning opportunities, for all grades, on a variety of environmental topics. These include the biology of salmon, plants, and invertebrates, investigating tree and stream interactions, general ecology, and watersheds.
Habitat Restoration Specialist
Job Opening
The Habitat Restoration Specialist works in both the office and field to plan and implement native Pacific salmon habitat restoration projects in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River basins and Island County watershed, in northwestern Washington State.
Become a member
Support the Task Force
You can become a member of the Stilly Snohomish Task Force.
Membership benefits go well past the satisfaction of knowing you’ve done your part to help save the great salmon runs of the Snohomish and Stillaguamish Rivers.
See our membership page for more details.
Latest News
Hot Off the Press
Task Force Receives State Funds to Support K-12 Ecology Education.
Get ready, because the kids in your community are poised to make a real difference for people and salmon. Yes, during this school year, the Task Force will support students from Arlington, Marysville, and Snohomish in their efforts to implement a salmon-stream restoration project of their own design.
The Task Force was one of just three organizations awarded funding through the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction’s Natural Science, Wildlife, and Environmental Education Grant Program.
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