About Us
Wild salmon, steelhead, and trout are an important part of Pacific Northwest heritage. By becoming a member of the Stilly-Snohomish Task Force, you can restore the great fishing runs of the Snohomish and Stillaguamish Rivers.

You Have the Power to save
Fish through Stream Restoration
About the Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force
The mission of the Task Force is to ensure the future of fishing in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River and Island County watersheds.
The Task Force is dedicated to the restoration of viable salmonid populations and their habitat in the Stillaguamish and Snohomish River watersheds, a combined land area of more than 2,400 square miles.
Since its beginning in 1990, the Task Force has directed its resources and energy to the challenge of developing community partnerships and strategies to improve and restore the recreational and commercial fisheries of the Pacific Northwest.
The Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force is a hands-on membership organization with more than 500 volunteers supporting three full-time staff members.
There are many benefits to recreational fishing with a steelhead or salmon fishing rod. It’s a great way to spend time outdoors and enjoy natural splendor. Fishing also helps your mental health by reducing stress and anxiety. You can socialize with others who share your interests or just want some company on the water.
Since 1990, the Task Force has planned, designed, and implemented dozens of enhancement and restoration projects.
These include wetland restoration projects, stream and riparian restoration projects, fish passage projects, and improvements to agricultural lands and their management.
Beach and River Cleanups
Join the Task Force and many other partners for this year’s beach expos! The Beach Expo will provide an opportunity for participation by citizen volunteers in clean-up and invasive weed removal events.
This event will also consist of an educational outreach campaign to educate citizens about marine life in Puget Sound, the dangers of debris on our marine shores and riverbanks, and the impacts of pollution on wildlife and the environment, and will encourage good stewardship of local beaches and rivers.
Educational activities will include the distribution of educational brochures at local beaches and boat launches, guided naturalist walks along the beach, touch tanks with live marine critters, and preserved specimen displays.
Festival of the River
We need your help to recruit volunteers! We are in need of volunteers to staff our booth at the Festival of the River.
Help the Task Force recruit more volunteers to help ensure our mission of preserving and restoring salmon habitat!
Annual Social & Salmon BBQ
Join the Task Force staff, board, partners, volunteers, members, and guests to acknowledge our hard-working volunteers and project partners.
Help celebrate our accomplishments, and enjoy good food and great company. For dinner, we’re serving famous BBQ salmon, delicious side dishes, and lots of desserts.
You can also bid on our great silent auction items, and proceeds will support future Task Force salmon enhancement efforts.
And new this year: A handful of our most sought-after silent auction items will be auctioned off in authentic auction style.